Absolutely Free Colouring Pages

Erica-Catherine-colouring-Page-Jodie-Patterson-Smaller Web.jpg
Erica-Catherine-colouring-Page-Jodie-Patterson-Smaller Web.jpg

Absolutely Free Colouring Pages


These creative people and spaces inspire me and countless others. I’m hoping these colouring pages will further inspire you to nurture your inner artist, calm your busy mind and brighten your day. Visit my Instagram to learn more about the designers, stylists and bloggers listed on each of these images. You can also visit their Instagram: @autumnhacheydesign, @_mernee, or @jodiepatterson.

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How It Works:

These digital illustrations will be emailed to you with a downloadable link within moments (if not, please check your junk mail folder!). The link will come with a zip file containing the illustrations and a printing instructions document. 

It is important that you download the file to your computer within 24 hours of your website download. The link expires after this time. Once you have downloaded the file, it’s yours forever! You can print the images on your home computer, or transfer to an external hard drive to be printed at a local printer (Costco, Walmart, Staples, etc).

Illustrations should be printed in the following ratios, so as not to lose quality: 4x5, 8x10, 16x20, or 24x30.

Grab some pencil crayons, paint, markers - whatever - and set your inner artist free!

Please follow and tag @ericacatherinedesign when you snap a photo of your coloured page. I’d love to see what you’ve done with the illustration and might even feature your talents on my Instagram or blog.

If you have any issues whatsoever, please email erica@ericacatherine.ca. This process is supposed to be stress free!

***Remember - be kind to your artist - pages are meant for personal, not commercial use***

xo Erica